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Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm a London T-girl who loves the usual T-girl things.. shoes, shoppings, delicious scents, sexy clothes, dancing, broad-minded broad-shouldered hunky guys, misty eyed puppies and soft cuddly toys (please don't throw up.. it's true!!!). I'm usually a happy, cheeky type chick and love to laugh lots and giggle loads. Mind you, I do get a tiny bit blue and moody once in a wee while (don't we all?). I'm extremely affectionate and tactile, love to be held and squeezed and stroked. I can be astonishing bold, brave and sometimes outrageous. Also, much much much too timid and shy at times despite telling myself to live life to the full every minute of the day.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Lilly against The Mindbenders

As the evenings draw in and the cold mists gust across the winding rivers, cutting through the penumbral streets and avenues with an icy edge, we T-girls find ourselves desirous of the reassuring warmth of a man's strong arms once again, to hug us tight and chase away the chills. But the man-things get bored so easily, scurrying away into the night with a flimsy excuse, leaving us clutching our empty pillows and gin bottles.. sigh.

What we need then, are a few Tgirl tales to cheer us up. One of my faves is the story of young Lilly.. Tgirl extraordinaire.

Lilly was only fourteen when her parents decided they'd had enough. Lilly had always dressed in her sister's things but since taking on shop work at the weekends, she now had money to buy her own make up and cute little girly tops. Usually, Lilly stayed in her bedroom because she knew how upset her dad got to see her dressed as a girl. But one night Lilly popped down to make herself some pop tarts still wearing her walkman. She didn't hear that dad had some friends visiting and tottered right in on them. Eeeeek!
The upshot was one of dad's friends (who was of the T-phobic persuasion) stormed out of the house shouting, 'Darren, your kid's an effing bender. Sort it out!'

So Lilly, entirely against her will, found herself dragged up to see a specialist doctor in London. Poor Lilly. Her dad told her ominously, 'If there's a cure for this thing, we'll find it'.

Her mum had even helped her dress up for the occasion, believing the doctor would only grasp the problem by seeing Lilly as she really was. The doc sent her mum and dad off for a couple of hours and sat Lilly on his big leather couch in his huge bright office. His assistant brought tea and some fancy biscuits. It was all very cosy. But here's the thing. Lilly dressed as a Tgirl was astonishingly lovely and beautiful. She had a long wild shock of soft blonde hair, two adorable almond eyes and a peculiarly feminine shape about her.

As the doc leant over her, he caught a trace of the Chanel no5 her mum had let her wear. Mixed with Lilly's powerfully seductive pheromones, it made a mix that sent man-things crazy. Before he could stop himself, the doc had unzipped and, tearing Lilly's panties away in one barbaric thrust, had pulled her up onto him and began humping nastily.

Lilly wasn't shocked. She'd already had this treatment from a few of the older lads at her school. Some of them even kept a set or two of Lilly's lingerie along with a sexy outfit hidden in their homes just so they could more readily enduce Lilly to come visit and be their sweet sugar when opportunity arose.

Lilly noted with no particular care that the doc had no staying power. The act didn't last long. She watched the large antique carriage clock on the ornate mantlepiece tick away three slender minutes before she felt the doc's aroused horn shoot that hot slippery muck within her. She smiled at him as he pulled out. He stood and recoiled in horror, re-tucking his thing and zipping in a clumsy frenzy. The doc dashed into his anteroom and emerged a while later, still sporting a shockingly red face. He went to his desk and, glancing up at Lilly for an instant in that studied professional manner, fumbled in his drawer for a cheque book.

Without looking up again, the doc mumbled, 'Let's say.. er.. one hundred pounds.. er.. Must be a lot of money to a girl like you, eh?'

There was a timid note of hope in his voice that annoyed the hell out of Lilly. She gasped aloud in a tone of studied innocence, 'My, this office must have cost a fortune to decorate. Is that a Hockney over there? And the rent! My, how do you afford it?'

'How much, you little bastard?'.

'A grand, doc. And I swear my lips are sealed for eternity. Oh, and one other teensy little favour....'.

On the way home. Lilly's parents marvelled at the doc's diagnosis. 'I've never come across such a healthy compos mentis case in all my years of practice. Solid as a bell! As responsible parents I urge you to not only indulge but actively assist your fine Tgirl here in all pursuits and endeavours'. Never again was a word spoken against Lilly, neither was she forbidden any outfit, no matter how provocative and gobsmacking.

As for her dad's horrible friend, a year later he was caught soliciting a policeman in a public cottage and ended his days working as a bearded lady in a lowdown and tacky travelling freak show.



Blogger Vickie Davis said...

Funny story, and worst of all it is probably true.



4:36 PM  

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